Jared Hickman
Jared Hickman {[email protected]} is assistant professor of English at Johns Hopkins University. He is the author of Black Prometheus: Race and Radicalism in the Age of Atlantic Slavery, and co-editor with Elizabeth Fenton of Americanist Approaches to The Book of Mormon (both forthcoming from Oxford University Press), as well as articles in American Literature, Early American Literature, The New England Quarterly, Nineteenth-Century Literature, PMLA, and other venues.
Learning to Read with the Book of Mormon
Articles/Essays – Volume 48, No. 1
Dialogue 48.1 (Spring 2015):169–177
In this “From the Pulpit,” Jared Hickman discussed the self-confessed weaknesses of multiple authors in the Book of Mormon, indicating that the text is not the literal word of God. He observes that it still has sacred truths to teach us including on racism.