Jenn Ashworth
Jenn Ashworth {[email protected]} is a novelist and short story writer from Lancashire, England. Her first novel, A Kind of Intimacy, won a Betty Trask award in 2010 and was shortlisted for a Barnes and Noble Discover Award. On the publication of her second novel, Cold Light, she was listed as one of the UK’s twelve best new writers by the BBC’s Culture Show. Her third novel, The Friday Gospels, tells the story of a British LDS family on the return of their son from his mission in Utah. It is currently being adapted for television. Her website is www.jennashworth.co.uk.
Katy, My Sister
Articles/Essays – Volume 47, No. 2
We didn’t have much stuff when we moved into the new place. Not carpets or a dining table, or even curtains or beds at first. My dad must have thought if we weren’t allowed our…
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