Jenny Webb
JENNY WEBB {[email protected]} is a doctoral student in philosophy and religion at Bangor University. Her work has appeared in multiple journals, as well as the volumes Perspectives on Mormon Theology, An Experiment on the Word, Christ and Antichrist, and Reading Nephi Reading Isaiah, which she co-edited with Joseph M. Spencer. She is a past president of Mormon Scholars in the Humanities and also serves on the executive board for the Latter-day Saint Theology Seminar.
The Pearl’s Price Terryl Givens with Brian M. Hauglid, The Pearl of Greatest Price: Mormonism’s Most Controversial Scripture
Articles/Essays – Volume 54, No. 1
Givens and Hauglid are direct: their goal is to provide a sustained, academic, and nuanced treatment of the Pearl of Great Price [PGP]. Their motive lies in the fact that this volume has received relatively…
Read moreOn Care: Performative Theology, Mosiah, and a Gathered Community
Articles/Essays – Volume 53, No. 3
The question I am considering here is at its heart relational. What kind of relationship with scripture exists within performative theology? When we understand scripture as wisdom rather than history, what does this understanding do…
Read moreReview: Embraced in Love Eric D. Huntsman. Becoming the Beloved Disciple: Coming unto Christ through the Gospel of John.
Articles/Essays – Volume 52, No. 3
Review: Old Words, New Work: Reclamation and Remembrance
Articles/Essays – Volume 49, No. 4