John-Charles Duffy

JOHN-CHARLES DUFFY is a graduate student in religious studies at the Uni￾197 versity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He taught for several years as an adjunct instructor at the University of Utah, where from 2001 to 2004 he organized a monthly Mormon studies brown bag series. His articles have appeared in Sun￾stone, Dialogue, American Transcendental Quarterly, and in Victorian Literature and Culture.

Correlated Praise: The Development of the Spanish Hymnal

Articles/Essays – Volume 35, No. 2

Statisticians predict that by 2012 native Spanish speakers will surpass native English speakers as the LDS church’s largest language group.[1] Clearly, the church is about to reach a dramatic turning point in its international growth.…

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Clyde Forsberg’s Equal Rites and the Exoticizing of Mormonism

Articles/Essays – Volume 39, No. 1

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Can Deconstruction Save the Day? “”Faithful Scholarship”” and the Uses of Postmodernism

Articles/Essays – Volume 41, No. 1

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