Katie Ludlow Rich
KATIE LUDLOW RICH {[email protected]} is an independent scholar living in Saratoga Springs, Utah, with her husband, four children, and two dogs. She has a bachelor’s degree in history and a master’s in English, both from Brigham Young University. She is the blog feature editor for Exponent II magazine and blogs monthly at the-exponent.com. Her research interests include nineteenth- and twentieth-century Mormon women’s history and gender-based power dynamics in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
From Private Dreams to Public Damnings George D. Smith, ed., Brigham Young, Colonizer of the American West: Diaries and Office Journals, 1832–1871
Articles/Essays – Volume 55, No. 3
Mothers and Authority
Articles/Essays – Volume 55, No. 1
Podcast version of this piece. It was not in a grove of trees, and I did not see a pillar of light when I first communed with Heavenly Mother. Instead, I was lying crumpled on…
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