Keith Burns

KEITH BURNS {[email protected]} holds a master’s degree in child development from Sarah Lawrence College, where he specialized in gender and sexual identity. He specifically focuses on LGBTQ+ experiences in religious contexts, including several projects he has completed on queer experiences in the LDS Church. Keith currently lives in New York City working on a master of social work at Lehman College.

Transcending Mormonism: Transgender Experiences in the LDS Church

Articles/Essays – Volume 56, No. 1

Dialogue 56.1 (Spring 2023): 27–55
Enjoy an interview about this piece here.

Desiring to better understand how people are navigating these complex identity negotiations, I interviewed seven trans and/or gender nonconforming Mormons between eighteen and forty-four years old living in various regions of the United States as part of my graduate studies at Sarah Lawrence College in New York

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