Kenneth R. Hardy

Kenneth R. Hardy is Professor of Psychology at Brigham Young University and has published most recently an essay in PSYCHOLOGICAL REVIEW on "an appetitional theory of sexual motivation."

Controlling Pornography: The Scientific and Moral Issues

Articles/Essays – Volume 02, No. 2

Contrast the following: The saturation of our civilization with obscenity and pornography shackles and enslaves to lust and depravity. It is necessary to slip these surly bonds. This means it is necessary for each person in…

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Obscenity and the Inspired Constitution: A Dilemma for Mormons

Articles/Essays – Volume 02, No. 2

One of the most prominent tenets of Mormonism emphasizes moral purity as essential to the Christian life. Self-mastery over physical appetites and passions is regarded as a fundamental aspect of the doctrine of eternal progression;…

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