Kevin G. Barnhurst

KEVIN BARNHURST lives and writes at Pond Lane in Stoddard, New Hampshire. To pay the bills, he is a visiting scholar in the School of the Arts and research fellow of the Media Studies Center, Columbia University. He was recently named associate professor and head of the graphic arts program in the School of Public Communications, Syracuse University. He wrote Ziontales/or his three sons, one of whom is enrolled in the New York Middle School for Writers in Manhattan

Tribe Mentality: A Lawyer Looks at Abortion by Lynn D. Wardle and Mary Anne Q. Wood

Articles/Essays – Volume 17, No. 4

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Ziontales: An Excerpt

Articles/Essays – Volume 25, No. 2

Introduction I wrote this story under a spell. I was living in Salt Lake City, not in the sprawl of the new suburbs, nor even in the politically correct neighborhoods of the East Bench or…

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