L. Rex Sears

L. REX SEARS practices law in Salt Lake City where he lives with his wife Stacie and son Christian. Rex holds a B.S. from the University of Utah, a Ph.D. in philosophy from Harvard University, and J.D. from the Univer￾sity of Chicago.

Determinist Mansions in the Mormon House?

Articles/Essays – Volume 31, No. 4

The human mind seems irresistibly compelled by (at least) two incompatible intuitions: first, that as morally responsible beings we are able to do other than what we do; second, that what happens now could not…

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Philosophical Christian Apology Meets “Rational” Mormon Theology

Articles/Essays – Volume 33, No. 3

As Joseph Smith matured in his prophetic calling, he came to regard what he saw as the rational appeal of his developing theology as one of its chief virtues. Throughout the latter half of the nineteenth century and well into the twentieth, this attitude continued to animate authoritative interpretations and defenses of Mormon doctrine offered by leading Mormon churchmen and intellectuals.

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