Larry Morris
LARRY E. MORRIS {[email protected]} is an independent writer and historian who lives in Salt Lake City with his wife, Deborah. He was formerly an editor with the Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship and the Joseph Smith Papers. He is the author of A Documentary History of the Book of Mormon (Oxford University Press) and The Fate of the Corps: What Became of the Lewis and Clark Explorers After the Expedition (Yale University Press).
Empirical Witnesses of the Gold Plates
Articles/Essays – Volume 52, No. 2
Dialogue 52.2 (Summer 2019): 59–84
Due to the fact that visiting with angels isn’t part of the normal human experience, it makes it hard for historians to prove that it happened through an academic investigation. The best way, as discussed by the author, to determine what really happened is by studying other individual’s first-hand accounts about the Gold Plates.