Mark Koltko-Rivera
MARK KOLTKO-RIVERA has been a stake high councilor and former counselor in two bishoprics. He holds degrees from Haverford College and Fordham University, has worked as a psychotherapist in and around New York City for the last fifteen years, and is shortly to receive a doctorate in counseling psychology from New York University. His papers have appeared in many journals. Earlier versions of this paper were presented at the 1994 Washington, D.C., Sunstone Symposium and the 1996 Convention of the American Psychological Association in Toronto.
Just Dead | Robert Irvine, Baptism for the Dead
Articles/Essays – Volume 24, No. 1
Let’s roll back the clock a hundred years to a time when Catholics or Jews were more exotic to the American reading public than they are now. If I were an aspiring novelist, I could…
Read moreWaiting
Articles/Essays – Volume 25, No. 1
The absence of a signal
is itself information,
a zero giving meaning to binary ones.
The call that doesn’t ring,
Latter-day Myths About Counseling and Psychotherapy
Articles/Essays – Volume 25, No. 4
John[1] was deeply depressed and believed there was no chance that he would get better. He felt worthless, unworthy, and vile and was certain that the world would be better off without him. Occasionally the…
Read moreMormon Psychohistory: Psychological Insights into the Latter-day Saint Past, Present, and Future
Articles/Essays – Volume 32, No. 2
Several years ago, I was speaking with a fellow Saint and convert at the Sunstone Symposium in Salt Lake City. We described ourselves to each other as “Joseph Smith converts.” By that, we meant that…
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