Max Freeman

This week, we are excited to feature a new poem by Max Freeman. Freeman divides his time between writing poems and making films with his friend Margaret Singer. He holds a master’s degree in English literature from Harvard University. His poems have appeared in The Yale Review, The Common, Poetry International, and other journals. His short films have been featured at TriQuarterly, Document Journal, and The Paris Review.

Gardner’s Song

Articles/Essays – Volume 36, No. 1

The tomb was a mouth 
that knew one note: grief. 
The rock lips opened, 
closed: tight as a safe. 

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Articles/Essays – Volume 36, No. 2

For and in behalf of those dead 
before God’s love could smother 
them. I enter the font and take a baptism. 
Buried in the temple’s basement, twelve 
garlanded oxen balance the precarious 

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Listening to the Lord

Articles/Essays – Volume 36, No. 2

A rare treat in Manila—real grass, 
short and green, probing tentatively 
out of rich soil. The sky 
waits to rain—black clouds 

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