Maxine Hanks
MAXINE HANKS is a theologian and independent scholar of women’s studies in religion, who writes about women’s history and theology in LDS and Christian tradition, liturgy, and practice. She did her bachelor’s in Gender Studies at the U of U, and graduate work in gender studies, history, and religion at the U of U, ASU, and Harvard Divinity School. She has edited or co-authored four books on Mormonism and her articles appear in several books and publications, including Dialogue. She served in ministry at Holy Cross Chapel for 13 years before returning to the LDS Church in 2012, where she serves as teacher in Sunday School and Relief Society.
LDS Women’s Authority and the Temple: A Feminist FHE Discussion with Maxine Hanks
Articles/Essays – Volume 52, No. 1
Dialogue 52.1 (Spring 2019): 45–76
A Feminist Family Home Evening discussion with Maxine Hanks regarding women in the church as seen through temple theology.
Review: Fresh Honesty in Authentic Mormon Identity Jamie Zvirzdin, ed. Fresh Courage Take: New Directions by Mormon Women
Articles/Essays – Volume 50, No. 2
Roundtable: Shifting Boundaries of Feminist Theology: What Have We Learned?
Articles/Essays – Volume 50, No. 1
Dialogue 50.1 (Spring 2017): 167–180
This tendency to rewrite Relief Society history continued from the
1850s into the 1990s.