MELVIN C. JOHNSON {[email protected]} is an independent historian and retired college professor, writer, and speaker. Johnson has published in the areas of East Texas mill town culture, the Texas Hill country Mormons and Germans before and during the Civil War, and the intersection of Western America and Pan-Mormonism. He and his wife Halli live in Mesquite, Nevada.
The Developing Inclusion of Micronesia into the Utah Mormon Missionary Movement | R. Devan Jensen and Rosalind Meno Ram, eds., Battlefields to Temple Grounds: Latter-day Saints in Guam and Micronesia
Articles/Essays – Volume 57, No. 1
Since the 1840s, the leadership and members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, even with its global missionary program, has been centered with a focus on the North American Great Basin westward…
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