Current Dean of Instruction at SOWELA Technical Community College. Served as an Assistant Professor of English at SOWELA Technical Community College from August 2018 until June 2022, and Instructor of English at Lamar State College - Orange from August 2012 until August 2018. I have also served as a Visiting Lecturer of English at McNeese State University. I earned my Ph.D. in English and Creative Writing from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, an MFA in Creative Writing (Poetry) and MA in English Literature from McNeese State University, a Master of Arts in Teaching Secondary English, and a Bachelor of English from the University of Iowa, and a Bachelors of History from High Point University. Beyond my education and work in higher education, I have taught high school English for Calcasieu Parish Schools, high school English and Drama for the Oskaloosa Community School District, and directed numerous plays as the head of their drama departments. I also ran the Oskaloosa Poetry Slam for a number of years and participated in the Iowa poetry slam community from 2002-2008. I have also performed in a number of theatrical productions, practiced theatrical combat, and currently study historical European martial arts. I am also a published writer with work appearing in numerous online and print journals.
My Dream
Articles/Essays – Volume 57, No. 1
In sleep voices fall upon me once againwith bladed-tongues that run against their teeth. The voices’ chorus a grind of bone sawsand caliper-fingers that force openmy mouth to let loose words. Thousands of wordsbled from…
Read moreThe First Wound
Articles/Essays – Volume 57, No. 1
The Good Doctor Muses, Beetle-pupil swell, perpetually redhalo-iris fist-sized and yellowed-tearedthe abscess winks, another eye for Godto see sticks shake in our hands over sodas we water witch the fields desperateto pay the lancing fee. Can…
Read moreHealing the Wound
Articles/Essays – Volume 57, No. 1
The Good Doctor Muses,Will You be bound? And I Remember,Surgeons ask and tapmy swollen shin and splinter the skin to leechout the infection. The leather straps snapin calloused hands while others reachinto cowhide and pigskin…
Read moreA Memory of Prayer
Articles/Essays – Volume 57, No. 1
My shins are dirt-covered. My hands tightenround piles of leaves. These trees rise roundclothed in woolen bark and silver lichen.Stained glass sky, branches flux and foil,and kaleidoscopic light strikes the groundwhose green intersects the red…
Read moreThe Town Minister Reacts to My Prophesy
Articles/Essays – Volume 57, No. 1
I am surprised your pale lips lack frothat their edges, that you come to me clean, you claim that Jesus and Elohimseparate appeared in temporal cloth before you. You lie. We know from scripturefather and…
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