Nathan B. Oman
NATHAN B. OMAN {[email protected]} is a professor at William & Mary Law School in Williamsburg, Virginia. His articles on Mormon studies have appeared in Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, Element: The Journal of the Society for Mormon Philosophy and Theology, BYU Law Review, and FARMS Review. He lives in Virginia with his wife, Heather, their two children, and a psychotic (but friendly) dog. He serves as ward clerk in the Jamestown Ward, Newport News Virginia Stake.
The Scholar as Celebrant : Terryl L. Givens, People of Paradox: A History of Mormon Culture
Articles/Essays – Volume 41, No. 3
“The Living Oracles”: Legal Interpretation and Mormon Thought
Articles/Essays – Volume 42, No. 2
Mordred Had a Good Point Gary Topping, Leonard J. Arrington: A Historian’s Life
Articles/Essays – Volume 43, No. 1