Nathan Robison

NATHAN ROBISON was born and raised in Provo, Utah. He and his wife, Anna, graduated from Brigham Young University with degrees in English. Their two-year-old son, Christopher, is the subject of this poem. Nathan currently di￾vides his time between distance running and working as a librarian at the Orem Public Library. He will study at Hollins University, Roanoke, Virginia, beginning in the fall of 2006, working toward an MFA in creative writing.


Articles/Essays – Volume 39, No. 3

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Ten Fictions about My Father

Articles/Essays – Volume 43, No. 2

1  First he went down to Pappy’s pasture. The pasture was a strip of marshy land down the hill from our house, sandwiched by the inter state and train tracks where Pappy kept his cows.…

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