Neal W. Kramer
Neal W. Kramer was an adjunct faculty member in the department of English at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah when this was written. He is currently a member of the arts and sciences editorial board at BYU Studies. He has previously served on the board of the Association for Mormon Letters and as president of AML for two terms. He has published numerous essays and reviews, three of which have been anthologized in the following collections: Colloquium: Essays on Literature and Belief, Living the Book of Mormon, and Faithful History. He lives in Provo with his wife, Leila. They have five children and thirteen grandchildren.
Heart, Mind, and Soul: The Ethical Foundation of Mormon Letters
Articles/Essays – Volume 32, No. 3
When I was in my early teens—it seems like I was no older than fourteen—I received a special gift from my grandparents. They knew I liked to read. In fact, they knew that I read a lot. I was a regular patron of the local library, often rushing through two or three books on a long summer day.
Read moreThe State of Mormon Literature and Criticism
Articles/Essays – Volume 32, No. 3
Two decades have passed since Dialogue last published an issue entirely devoted to Mormon literature. In the meantime literary writing about Latter-day Saints has been burgeoning both in LDS and national markets—so much so that it is difficult for literary critics to keep up with this growing body of novels, plays, poetry, and literary nonfiction. It is very important, however, that they try. To have a sense of the future of Mormon literature, it is vital that we see how present writings articulate with traditions from the past.
Read moreA Plurality of Competing Selves: My Many Selves: The Quest for a Plausible Harmony by Wayne C. Booth
Articles/Essays – Volume 40, No. 4