Paul James Toscano
PAUL JAMES TOSCANO is a lawyer practicing in Salt Lake City. He is author of Gospel Letters to a Missionary and co-author with his wife Margaret Merrill Toscano of Strangers in Paradox: Explorations in Mormon Theology. They reside in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Beyond Tyranny, Beyond Arrogance
Articles/Essays – Volume 21, No. 1
My honeymoon with the Church lasted for five years, between 1961 when I was converted and 1966 when I went on my mission. During that period, I had had inklings that there was trouble in…
Read moreA Plea to the Leadership of the Church: Choose Love Not Power
Articles/Essays – Volume 26, No. 1
One of the ironies of my life is that I decided in 1963 to leave the Catholic church as it was becoming more open to join the Mormon church as it was becoming more closed.…
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