Polly Aird
POLLY AIRD {[email protected]} is the author of Mormon Convert, Mormon Defector: A Scottish Immigrant in the American West, 1848–1861 (2009, University of Oklahoma Press), which won the best biography award from the Mormon History Association in 2010. She is the co-editor (with historians Will Bagley and Jeff Nichols) of Playing with Shadows: Voices of Dissent in the Mormon West (2011), which was named best documentary book by the Utah State Historical Society in 2012. Polly served on the editorial board of the Journal of Mormon History for ten years (2000–2011) and more recently on the executive board of the Mormon History Association (2011–2014).
Review: Full Lives but Not Fulfilling Paula Kelly Harline. The Polygamous Wives Writing Club: From the Diaries of Mormon Pioneer Women
Articles/Essays – Volume 48, No. 1