Richard Clifford

RICHARD CLIFFORD, S. J., teaches Old Testament at Weston Jesuit School of Theology in Cambridge, Massachusetts and is the author of Psalms 1-72 and Psalms 73-150, 2 vols. ABINGDON COMMENTARY ON THE OLD TESTAMENT SERIES (Nashville, Tenn.: Abingdon Press, 2002-2003) and numer￾ous articles on the Psalms. Special interests include the ancient Near Eastern background of the Bible, wisdom literature, Psalms, and, most recently, Genesis. In 1981, he participated in a symposium on the temple in antiquity at Brigham Young University.

The Psalms

Articles/Essays – Volume 38, No. 2

The Psalms were prayed by David and Solomon, Isaiah and Jeremiah, Jesus, Matthew and Paul, Jerome and Augustine, Ibn Ezra and Rashi, Aquinas, Luther and Calvin, and Martin Luther King and Mother Teresa—in short, by…

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