Richard F. Haglund Jr.
RICHARD HAGLUND {[email protected]} married Carol Ann Bagnell forty-three years ago; they are the parents of Kristine, Rich, Evan, JB, and Erika. He is a member of the physics faculty at Vanderbilt University and currently serves as patriarch in the Nashville Tennessee Stake.
Science and Religion: A Symbiosis
Articles/Essays – Volume 08, No. 3
For most of us, there is little doubt that science was victorious in its centuries-long warfare with theology. From Galileo—kneeling in the robes of a penitent criminal before his Inquisitors, pleading for mercy on the grounds of age and infirmity— we have come full circle, to William Jennings Bryan in the dock at the Scopes “Monkey Trial”—trying desperately to demonstrate the Bible as the infallible guide to the story of Creation, then succumbing without dignity to the pitiless goad of Clarence Darrow.
Read moreInherit the Wind, Mormon Style | Stan Larson, ed., Can Science be Faith-Promoting by Sterling B. Talmage, and Trent D. Stephens, D. Jeffrey Meldrum, and Forrest B. Peterson, Evolution and Mormonism
Articles/Essays – Volume 34, No. 3
In 1925, the town fathers of Dayton, Tennessee secured their place in history by trying John Scopes for teaching evolution in the public schools.[1] With William Jennings Bryan as prosecutor, Clarence Darrow for the defense,…
Read more“Wholesome, Hallowed, and Gracious”: Confronting the Winter’s Night
Articles/Essays – Volume 44, No. 4