ROBBIE TAGGART {[email protected]} is a teacher, a poet, and a lover of existence. He delights in his five wild and holy children and in their radiant mom, and he strives to live in gratitude and awe. He perceives the sacramental nature of all things and of all people. He regularly writes poems inspired by his reading of sacred texts. You can find some of his poems at https://www.instagram.com/comefollowmepoetry/.
Articles/Essays – Volume 57, No. 1
—Moses 6 Even as a young child he saw in ways others did notWhen his mother sang him the old storieshe would open his inner eyes and seethe lanky cerulean legs of cloudsas they walked…
Read moreKeturah Considers Abraham’s Hands
Articles/Essays – Volume 57, No. 1
—Genesis 25 as he sits across the room holding a pear in one and a knife in the otherShe thinks of all the things those hands held and touchedbefore they held and touched her…
Read moreA Girl Named No Mercy
Articles/Essays – Volume 57, No. 1
—Hosea 1; 2:15, 18, 23; 8:7 She digs a hole and blows into itplants the breath of her mouthand waits for the storm She waters the seeds untilher garden of wind sways withthe rhythmic…
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