Robert J. Frederickson
ROBERT J. FREDERICKSON {[email protected]} Bob is an eightythree-year-old home-bound poet originating from Twin Falls, Idaho. He left Twin as soon as he could, by way of an LDS mission. On returning he realized that a farm community must export its educated teenagers so this one headed for Salt Lake, where his father originated. The details of his life in Twin are: Born and raised in an ice-cream and candy store; Well educated in everything but math which he took twice; Upon leaving went to Idaho State Collage where he got lost and only found his way to class once; After a month there was called on his mission; Upon coming to Salt Lake after his mission he sold radio advertising in the surrounding towns; Coming back to Salt Lake he stopped for gas and there in the next isle was a girl he knew he would marry; The next day he proposed, she accepted. Four children and more grand and great grand kids than he can keep track of and forty-five years as a bindery man and here he is. We cannot leave Arletta Lou Hales out of this. She married him three months after his proposal and gave him, besides the children, sixty-one years of counsel, love, and nursing care. He was born sick and stayed that way through most of his life, which she has saved on several occasions, and as council of the exchequer has kept him solvent. Shortly after joining the Utah State Poetry Society he was chapter president, president, and now administrative adviser. The poetry started in grade school and has continued to this day.