Robert K. Ritner
ROBERT K. RITNER is currently Associate Professor of Egyptology at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago and was from 1991-1996 the first Marilyn M. Simpson Assistant Professor of Egyptology at Yale University. Dr. Ritner is the author of the book "The Mechanics of Ancient Egyptian Magical Practice" and of over 100 publications on Egyptian religion, magic, medicine, language, and literature as well as social and political history. He has lectured extensively on each of these topics throughout the United States, Europe, and Egypt. A specialist in Egypt's Ptolemaic Period, Dr. Ritner is the sole academic advisor for the American installation of the British Museum exhibit "Cleopatra of Egypt: From History to Myth."
The “Breathing Permit of Hor” Thirty-Four Years Later
Articles/Essays – Volume 33, No. 4
Dialogue 33.4 (Winter 2000): 91 – 119
In 1967, The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York made a gift to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints of eleven papyrus fragments once owned by Joseph Smith and employed as the basis for “The Book of Abraham.”