Rosalynde Welch
ROSALYNDE FRANDSEN WELCH {[email protected]} is an independent scholar and writer on all things ofMormon faith and culture. She holds a PhD in early modern English literature, and her approach to cultural criticism incorporates literature, philosophy, and critical theory. Her writing has appeared in Dialogue, BYU Studies, Element, and many on-line venues. She lives in St. Louis, Missouri, with her husband, John, and their four children.
Review: A Not-So-Innocent Abroad Craig Harline.Way Lower than theAngels: The Pretty Clearly TroubledBut Not Even Close to Tragic Confessionsof a Real Live Mormon Missionary
Articles/Essays – Volume 49, No. 1
At Children’s Hospital
Articles/Essays – Volume 28, No. 3
I leaned against the glass door, struggling to open it against the air current that held it closed. With both hands now I pushed until finally I forced it open and found myself in the…
Read moreReviews: Therese Doucet. A Lost Argument: A Latter-Day Novel Robert Rees, ed. Why I Stay: The Challenges of Discipleship for Contemporary Mormons Thomas Riskas. Deconstructing Mormonism:An Analysis and Assessment of the Mormon Faith
Articles/Essays – Volume 45, No. 4
Mormon Priesthood Against the Meritocracy
Articles/Essays – Volume 47, No. 4
Dialogue 47.4 (Winter 2014): 85–90 Defenses of the male-only LDS priesthood generally pursue a combination of three approaches: ground the practice in ancient scripture, secure it in Restoration history and tradition, or justify it through its sociological effects on gender culture and family formation in the present day.
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