Scott Abbott
Scott Abbott {[email protected]} is a professor of integrated studies and humanities at Utah Valley University. His most recent books include Wild Rides and Wildflowers: Philosophy and Botany with Bikes, co-authored with Sam Rushforth (Torrey House Press, 2014) and two books with Žarko Radaković: Repetitions and Vampires & A Reasonable Dictionary (Punctum Books, 2013 and 2014; both originally published in Belgrade in Serbo-Croatian). His book Immortal for Quite Some Time is forthcoming with the The University of Utah Pres
House of the Temple, House of the Lord: A View from Philadelphia
Articles/Essays – Volume 20, No. 3
The lord whose oracle is at Delphi neither speaks nor conceals, but gives signs (Heraclitus). Three steps. A terrace. Five steps. A terrace. Seven steps. A terrace. Nine steps. A final broad terrace. Stone sphinxes (one…
Read moreMormonism, Magic and Masonry: The Damning Similarities | William J. Schnoebelen and James R. Spencer, Mormonism’s Temple of Doom
Articles/Essays – Volume 22, No. 2
The lurid title notwithstanding, this little book is not a sequel to Indiana Jones, but rather an expose of damning parallels between Mormonism, magic, and Masonry. The authors (most of the story is Schnoebelen’s, with…
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Articles/Essays – Volume 43, No. 2
Review: Mormons Are a Different Country Mette Ivie Harrison. The Bishop’s Wife
Articles/Essays – Volume 48, No. 1