Seth Kunin
SETH KUNIN is currently Head of the School of Divinity and Religious Studies at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland. He studied anthropology at Columbia University and subsequently received an MA in Jewish Philosophy from the Jewish Theological Seminary of America and a Ph.D. from Cambridge. He has written several books and articles applying structuralist theory to many aspects of Israelite and Jewish culture, including The Logic of Incest: A Structuralist Analysis of Biblical Myth and God's Place in the World. His present research concerns the CryptoJews of New Mexico.
Root and Branch: An Abstract of the Structuralist Analysis of the Allegoryof the Olive Tree
Articles/Essays – Volume 34, No. 3
The Allegory of the Olive Tree, as found in Jacob 5 in the Book of Mormon, is one of the most complicated and enigmatic of texts. These com plications, however, can be resolved when the…
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