Shayla Frandsen
SHAYLA FRANDSEN {[email protected]} is an MFA student studying fiction at Brigham Young University. She previously received an MA in English literature from The City University of New York and a BA in English from BYU. Her writing has appeared in Exponent II and as a finalist for the Long Story Short Award. She enjoys reading, writing stories about stubborn women, and hiking with her husband and three children.
This Girl Is On Fire: Strength, Faith, and Ninety-Nine Fire Hoops Allison Hong Merrill, Ninety-Nine Fire Hoops: A Memoir
Articles/Essays – Volume 55, No. 3
The Dark Side of Devotion Robert Hodgson Van Wagoner, The Contortionists
Articles/Essays – Volume 54, No. 3
When a five-year-old boy tragically disappears from a quiet LDS neighborhood, grief-stricken family members, detectives, ward members, and suspects all struggle to find their footing in the agonizing aftermath. In The Contortionists, the new novel…
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