Spencer P. Greenhalgh
SPENCER P. GREENHALGH {[email protected]} is an interdisciplinary digital methods researcher studying meaning-making practices on online platforms. He holds a BA in French Teaching from Brigham Young University and a PhD in educational psychology and educational technology from Michigan State University. He is currently an assistant professor of information communication technology in the School of Information Science at the University of Kentucky. You can learn more about Spencer and his work at https://spencergreenhalgh.com/work/
The Correct [Domain] Name of the Church: Technology, Naming, and Legitimacy in the Latter-day Saint Tradition
Articles/Essays – Volume 56, No. 1
Of all the changes made in response to the 2018 decision to emphasize the full name of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, those made to the official Latter-day Saint web and digital…
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