Stephen Gould

STEPHEN GOULD holds a Master's degree in English from the University of Utah. His poetry has appeared in Epos, Concours and previously in Dialogue. He believes that "poetry explores emergent unrealized implications of the capacity to speak."

The New Covenant

Articles/Essays – Volume 01, No. 1

Bowed in the sacred ark on knees Of ophiolatry I have burned a virgin candleTo the desert flatness of my forehead and in curiousAttrition bent, arms stretched With spread palms down, leaving In the yet warm hardening seal Of…

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To the Desert’s Eye

Articles/Essays – Volume 09, No. 1

night set and in spite 
of the wind 
we made camp on a low knoll 

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Zenith Landing

Articles/Essays – Volume 09, No. 1

at noon.           Back 
stairs wearing away 
nails driven through the frame 

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