Tim Behrend

TIM BEHREND is a scholar who writes on Javanese cultural history and teaches Indonesian language and literature in the School of Asian Stud￾ies, University of Auckland, New Zealand. A fifth-generation Cleve￾lander, he has been a lapsed Catholic since 1970 and an inactive Mormon since 1980. In a recent search through old 5.25" floppy disks for a missing database of Javanese manuscripts, he stumbled upon this story, half completed, and finished it in a moment of nostalgia. He would like to ac￾knowledge Michael Solomon of Salamanca for first suggesting the con￾ceptual trope at the center of the story.

Salt Lake Citations

Articles/Essays – Volume 33, No. 1

A friend writes: In a walking excursion last fall through the old block lying between Fifth and Sixth East, Seventh and Eight South—in a narrow alley behind Charon’s Mexican Bakery—I came across a shop of…

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