Tyler Chadwick
TYLER CHADWICK, an award-winning writer, editor, and teacher, received his PhD in English and the Teaching of English from Idaho State University. He teaches writing at Utah Valley University and has three books to his name: two anthologies, Fire in the Pasture: Twenty-First Century Mormon Poets (Peculiar Pages, 2011) and Dove Song: Heavenly Mother in Mormon Poetry (Peculiar Pages, 2018), and a collection of poetry and essays, Field Notes on Language and Kinship (Mormon Artists Group, 2013). His first full-length poetry collection will release via BCC Press in 2022. He lives in Ogden, Utah, with his wife, Jess, and their four daughters.
Collect for a Family Friend Killed in a Sabbath Morning House Fire
Articles/Essays – Volume 56, No. 1
Listen the Out Loud version of this poem here. O, preening angels, voyeursof bright and burning things, of underbuilding flare-ups andflaming caved-in tinder, whose breathing—plumed, infernal,unforgiving—sweltered her last daybreak with unholy invocation—Please, if mercy be,…
Read moreLike a Prayer—Phormium tenax
Articles/Essays – Volume 56, No. 1
Listen the Out Loud version of this poem here. How that late sabbath afternoon you sat cross-legged on their lawn, Elder S at your side, the couple just across, their backs to her late summer…
Read moreBig Bang, with Sternutation and Seer Stones
Articles/Essays – Volume 55, No. 1
Podcast version of this piece. i. In the beginning, Mother worked yleminto a loose sphere. A swirl of stray particles, stirred by the breeze blown through herstudio window, circled her workbench, tickled her nose. She…
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