Wayne Carver

WAYNE CARVER is a professor of English and Director of American Studies at Carleton College, where he is also Editor of the Carleton Miscellany.

Literature, Mormon Writers, and the Powers That Be

Articles/Essays – Volume 04, No. 3

For the better part of a month, I was with a group of young Mormons bent on giving the Church a vigorous expression in all the arts. We were not very clear as to just what we would do. We would do something. We felt the Church deserved this. It was such a fine Church, everything considered. And it deserved us. Not in its (then) present state, maybe; but we had faith that it could puff up to us. There was the son of an official sculptor, a yearn ing scientist from Alberta, two or three others who do not congeal into iden tities in the twenty-three-year-old mist I am looking into; and there was me, an ink-stained veteran of a year of writing C to C-plus freshman themes at Weber College. We all met near the end of our term at Biarritz American University in the south of France, the winter after one of the wars had ended. 

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A Child’s Christmas in Utah

Articles/Essays – Volume 07, No. 3

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