Wilford E. Smith

Wilford E. Smith is Professor of Sociology at Brigham Young University and secretary-treasurer of the Utah Sociological Society and the Utah Conference of AAUP. He has recently retired as LDS chaplain in the USAR after 32 years.

Morality on the Campus

Articles/Essays – Volume 03, No. 2

Headlines in the newspapers seem to tell us that among the most distressed and confused members of our troubled society are the college students. Re search of my own, reported at a meeting of the…

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The Limits of Divine Love | John Lewis Lund, The Church and the Negro

Articles/Essays – Volume 03, No. 4

John L. Lund has gone to a great deal of work to compile under the covers of this one small book pertinent excerpts from scriptures and from writings of Church leaders to clarify the Mormon…

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Mormon Sex Standards on College Campuses, or Deal Us Out of the Sexual Revolution!

Articles/Essays – Volume 10, No. 2

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