Wilfried Decoo
WILFRIED DECOO {[email protected]} worked as professor of applied linguistics and education at the University of Antwerp (Belgium) and at Brigham Young University. He retired in 2011. Besides books on linguistics, academic ethics, and education, he has also published various articles on international aspects of the Mormon Church. He blogs at Times and Seasons.
Feeding the Fleeing Flock: Reflections on the Struggle to Retain Church Members in Europe
Articles/Essays – Volume 29, No. 1
As a twenty-two-year-old convert of just a few years, I was called in June 1969 to preside over a small branch of the church in Belgium. In the tiny office of the old house serving…
Read moreReview: Craig H. Harline Conversions: Two family stories from the Reformation and Modern America
Articles/Essays – Volume 45, No. 3
“As Our Two Faiths Have Worked Together”—Catholicism and Mormonism on Human Life Ethics and Same-Sex Marriage
Articles/Essays – Volume 46, No. 3
Dialogue 46.3 (Fall 2013): 106–141
Wilfred Decoo writes in 2013 ““As Our Two Faiths Have Worked Together”— Catholicism and Mormonism on Human Life Ethics and Same-Sex Marriage.” He expains, “I analyze a number of factors that could ease the way for the Mormon Church to withdraw its opposition to same-sex marriage, at least as it concerns civil society, while the Catholic Church is unlikely to budge.”
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