Bob Rees on Dialogue, and traveling the Mormon orthodox
January 27, 2015
Board member Bob Rees “has navigated the road less travelled that meanders around and through the valleys and peaks of Mormon orthodoxy and progressivism” and is featured in this new podcast over at A Thoughtful Faith. As they explain “Succeeding Eugene England as the editor of Dialogue. Bob has lived almost 50 years as a vocal critic and conscience of the church, all the while giving the church of his youth and heart his absolute devotion. A former missionary, Bishop, and counselor in a Mission Presidency; Bob has been outspoken in his writing about his advocacy of equal rights, particularly gay, gender and race rights – sometimes in the face of profound resistance and punitive discipline from his church leaders. Bob proclaims his Christian devotion as the centre of his faith life which has, without doubt, provided him with a strong sense of spiritual centeredness that transcends the sometimes inflammatory situations that periodically erupt as the church groans into maturity.