Kevin Barney reflects on being a blogger
August 21, 2012
Longtime Dialogue friend and board of directors member Kevin Barney provides his “Reflections of a Blogger” after 6.5 years and 402 posts on By Common Consent.
He explains his writing history, including how “While I was in law school I published my first real scholarly article, on the Joseph Smith Translation in Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought. After I got an actual job as a practicing attorney, I stopped writing for several years, until one night my wife basically kicked me in the butt and told me to write something. The Ensign was running their annual writing contest, on the Old Testament, so I took a crack at it and ended up winning first place (this became my only Ensign publication, on Hebrew poetry; you can find it in the June 1990 issue). From there I began to write more scholarly articles on a regular basis, most dealing with Mormon scripture. I haven’t counted, but I think I’ve published about 30 such articles.”
So what does he think about blogging in general? “Blogging has been a great way to negotiate my relationship with the Church, and for me at least that has been a very healthy thing. So thank you for reading me, commenting and participating in the process. I have thoroughly enjoyed the journey!”