Bob Rees gives the UVU Eugene England Memorial Lecture 

The 2015 Eugene England Memorial Lecture was held Thursday, March 26th aat the Utah Valley Unversity. This year’s speaker was former Dialogue Editor Robert A. Rees who spoke on “Reimagining Restoration: Why Liberalism is the Ultimate Flowering of Mormonism.”

Bob Rees on Dialogue, and traveling the Mormon orthodox

Board member Bob Rees “has navigated the road less travelled that meanders around and through the valleys and peaks of Mormon orthodoxy and progressivism” and is featured in this new podcast over at A Thoughtful Faith.

A Religion of Peace

I read the Qur’an often because it speaks peace to my soul.

"Peace on Earth" Christmas-musings from Patrick Mason

In a guest post for Rational Faiths, Board Member Patrick Mason says “My favorite Christmas TV special is A Charlie Brown Christmas. The best part, which invariably reduces me to tears, is when Linus steps out on stage, the spotlight fixes on him, the children hush, and he narrates the familiar passages from Luke 2

Emma Lou Thayne's Dialogue delights

Emma Lou Thayne passed away on December 6, 2014, and in honor of this great poet and author, we present her writings from within Dialogue’s pages: