Emma Lou Thayne's Dialogue delights

Emma Lou Thayne passed away on December 6, 2014, and in honor of this great poet and author, we present her writings from within Dialogue’s pages:

Letter to the Editor: Regarding Stan Larson's Summer 2014 article

Editor, Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought
I have read with interest Stan Larson’s article, “Another Look at Joseph Smith’s First Vision” in volume 47, issue #2 (summer 2014). I commend Larson’s research, thoughtful analysis and writing. I do have some negative comments, however.

Editor Kristine Haglund on PBS Newshour

Editor Kristine Haglund is featured in the PBS NewsHour segment “In releasing history, Mormon Church grapples with origins and polygamy.

Video: 2014 McMurrin Lecture on Religion and Culture with David Campbell

The University of Utah’s Tanner Humanities Center is proud to present the Fall 2014 McMurrin Lecture on Religion and Culture with David Campbell, Professor of Political Science at the University of Notre Dame and co-author of the recent book Seeking the Promised Land: Mormons and American Politics.

The Best of 10+ Years of Mormons Blogging: Supplement

There was no way I could fit all the amazing blogs from the past 10+ years into the print feature in the Summer 2014 Issue so for a special treat for all online Dialogue readers, a supplemental featuring of more wonderful posts from the LDS blog world and beyond. Enjoy! – EmJen

The Dialogue Diet

As I’ve thought about this, I have come up with an idea that might be helpful for people troubled by their internet-based discoveries about the Church. I am going to call this the “Dialogue diet.” What I propose is a program of reading (with some skimming and skipping allowed, of course) the entire print run of Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought.