Blogging General Conference

I’ll be blogging conference live at Dialogue’s affiliated blog, By Common Consent, with real-time coverage from the Conference Center, photos, and lots of discussion, both serious and silly, in the comment section. Will President Monson arrive late? Will Elder Oaks talk about Religious Freedom? Will someone reference an April Fool’s Joke? You’ll find somebody talking about it at BCC. Twitter updates also available throughout the weekend at https://twitter.com/DialogueJournal and http://twitter.com/ByCommonConsent. Join us!

New historical resources at JSP website

Yesterday, at a news conference to which Dialogue was invited, the editors of the newly released Histories, Volume 1 teased that there would be a plethora of resources to be uploaded soon to the Joseph Smith Papers website. A day later the heavens were opened! Among the releases, find a previously unavailable copy of an early version of Joseph Smith’s 1838-1839 history that is important because, as scholar Robin Jensen explains “the text has been available, but this version has not .” Also included is what Jensen calls “the best scanned images I’ve seen online of one of the most important books (the 1833 Book of Commandments) published in Mormon history.”And find 50 1839 documents, updated reference material, the second volume of the manuscript history and various 1840 documents.

Watch Editor Kristine Haglund on C-SPAN discussing Mormonism and Politics

Editor Kristine Haglund is one of a panel of experts–also including Boston College Professor of Political Science and media commenter Alan Wolfe, Boston University Professor of Religion Stephen Prothero (according to Sally Quinn— best religious scholar in the country ) and moderator Mark Massa, dean of the School of Theology and Ministry– who discussed “Are Mormons the New Catholics and Jews? Mitt Romney and the State of the Union” at Boston College on March 13.

You can watch the C-SPAN video (aired March 15th) of the discussion here.

Dialogue studies the priesthood ban

A compendium of essential Dialogue articles related to the priesthood ban:  Spring 1973: Mormonism’s Negro Doctrine: An Historical Overview by Lester Bush, Jr.: Though it may not be admitted as such, this now famous article…

Mormon and Protestant Conference Videos

At the Crossroads, Again: Mormon and Protestant Encounters in the Nineteenth and Twenty-First Century was a conference held February 24 and 25. If you missed it live, you can still enjoy video presentations from Christopher Jones, David Campbell, David McAllister-Wilson, Eileen Guenther, Terryl Givens, Kathleen Flake, Elaine Heath, Robert Bennett, and Warner Woodworth, and more. Plus watch Dialogue Editor Kristine Haglund accompany the conference in some Mormon hymns.

Spring 2012 Issue online for subscribers…

…and the Spring 2010 Issue is now open to all

The Spring 2012 Issue opens with a feisty stack of letters to Dialogue before delving into Shawn Tucker’s exploration of Mormonism’s contribution to the “Virtues and Vices” tradition in various religious and philosophical schools of thought. Then John Bennion contributes a tribute to his ancestor Lucile Cannon Bennion and Gary Bergera examines the cases of two “liberal” professors at BYU during the Wilkinson years, offering new insight into Wilkinson’s modes of thought and management. Other highlights include poetry by Elizabeth Willes, creative nonfiction by A Motley Vision’s William Morris, an Easter homily and a Mother’s Day sermon you will actually like (really!).

MHA Awards Nominations: February 15th Deadline

From the Mormon History Association: The Mormon History Association will give its yearly awards for the best books, articles, dissertation, thesis, and student papers published or written on Mormon history during 2011 at its annual…

Coming to MHA: the International Mormon Studies Book Drive Summer Fundraiser

Lucky souls attending the Mormon History Association meeting in Layton, Utah on June 7th and June 8th can stop by the IMS 2013 Summer Fundraiser (graciously hosted by Dialogue) for free Asian treats. We will be raffling off some fabulous prizes collected from across the globe, including boomerangs from Australia and sacks of the tastiest lychee jellies in Asia! Those searching for an original Father’s Day gift will be pleased to learn that we are also selling several colors of the ubiquitous “家庭是永恒的” tie, the favored Sunday tie of the hip, hardworking Mormons of China’s Pearl River Delta. All proceeds will go to the IMS Book Drive project. We hope to raise all remaining funds needed for the 2013 collections at this Summer Fundraiser.