"Eugene England's Life and Legacy" podcast series

Celebrate “Eugene England’s Life and Legacy” with this series of 4 podcasts recently released by Mormon Stories. Dan Wotherspoon interviews Gene’s daughter Jody England Hansen, granddaughter Charlotte Hansen Terry, Dialogue co-founder Frances Lee Menlove, longtime…

Claudia Bushman on the Pink Dialogue

In the recently released 11th episode of “FAIR Conversations” host Blair Hodges interviews historian Claudia Bushman. Of special note to Dialogue readers, Claudia discusses her involvement with the “Pink Issue” and her feelings on feminism…

President Monson blogs at Washington Post

9/11 destruction allowed us to spiritually rebuild President Monson broke new virtual ground with this commemorative essay on 9/11,  officially becoming the first president of the LDS Church to blog. He writes: “There was, as…

Patrick Mason at Miller-Eccles

Patrick Mason, newly-appointed Hunter Chair of Mormon Studies at Claremont Graduate University, will address the Miller-Eccles study group on September 16th and 17th. THE TOPIC: In addition to outlining plans at Claremont for the coming…

Bushman on Friendship

Richard Bushman: My thanks to Grant Underwood for conceiving this panel and going to all the work to put it together under the auspices of the American Society of Church History. It was a generous…

New History of Mormonism from Random House

Associate Editor Matthew Bowman, recently appointed Assistant Professor of History at Hampden-Sydney College, is working on an introduction to Mormonism for a general audience, titled American Revelation: The Making of the Mormons to be published…

Nixon Was Wrong: Religion and the Presidency, 1960, 2008, and 2012— An Interview with Shaun A. Casey

Earlier this year, Dialogue Board member Greg Prince interviewed Shaun Casey, a professor of Christian Ethics at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C. Casey’s recent book, The Making of a Catholic President: Kennedy vs. Nixon 1960 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2009) formed the background of this interview. Below is an excerpt from the conversation; you can read the full interview here.

Audio of AML Conference Sessions

The Association for Mormon Letters held its annual conference March 25-26, 2011. Recordings of some of the excellent sessions are available here.