Dialogue's Editorial Board in The New Republic

Associate Editor Matt Bowman published a piece on Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman in The New Republic on May 12. Review editor Russell Arben Fox’s response was published on May 17th.

Summer 2011

Why Nature Matters: A Special Issue of Dialogue on Mormonism and the Environment Steven L. Peck, Guest Editor I became active in the Church while I was serving in the U.S. Army, stationed in Germany…

Lo Here! Lo There! Mormon Studies everywhere!

For a few years now, we have been talking about the expanding field of Mormon Studies.  Here are just a few fun links confirming that Mormon Studies is not just for Utah anymore! Jane Manning…

LDS Youth in an Age of Transition

by Boyd Jay Petersen Available in PDF here. Bruce A. Chadwick, Brent L. Top, and Richard J. McClendon. Shield of Faith: The Power of Religion in the Lives of LDS Youth and Young Adults. Provo,…

War and Peace in Our Times: Mormon Perspectives Conference

A conference sponsored by the Latter-day Saint Council on Mormon Studies and the Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame. March 18-19, Claremont Graduate University School of Religion. …

UVU Mormon Studies Conference, March 10-11

The eleventh annual UVU Mormon Studies Conference will engage in a comparative exploration of Islam and Mormonism. Scholars and practitioners will reflect on points of connection and contrast between two traditions that face challenges related…

Claremont Conference on "Women's Lives, Women's Voices"

On Saturday, February 5, from 10 am – 4pm, The Singer Foundation and the LDS Mormon Studies Council are sponsoring a conference featuring Claudia Bushman, Aileen Clyde, and Emily Clyde Curtis, as well as participants…

Spring 2011

The Spring issue is on its way to the printer!  Highlights include poetry by Timothy Liu, a nice fat book review section, Sam Brown’s much-anticipated article on the early Mormon “Chain of Belonging,”  an especially…