The Original Length of the Scroll of Hôr

Readers interested in the historical background of the paper and the current state of scholarship on the topic are encouraged to visit the FAIR Wiki on the Book of Abraham. Raw data tables for this…

The Weeping God of Mormonism

by Eugene England Originally published in Spring 2002 Editor’s Note: July 22, 2010 would have been Eugene England’s 77th birthday. The Eugene England Foundation has launched a website, eugeneengland.org to make his work accessible to…

Eugene England Website Launched

We are thrilled to announce a new online resource for the work of Dialogue’s founding editor, Eugene England. Below is the announcement from the Eugene England Foundation: On what would have been Eugene England’s 77th…

Scripture, History, and Faith: A Round Table Discussion

by Todd Compton, Paul Edwards, Steve Epperson, Mark D. Thomas, Margaret Toscano, and David P. Wright Originally published in Winter 1996 Thomas: We live in a society that is increasingly secular and fragmented. Popular culture…

Getting Out/ Staying In: One Mormon/ Gay Marriage: Staying In

by Ben Christensen Originally published in Fall 2005 I WROTE “GETTING OUT” as a somewhat naive twenty-four-year-old. Now I return, in theory a wise and mature twenty-five-year-old. Inevitably, I’ll find whatever I write here equally…

Blood Atonement and Capital Punishment in Mormon doctrine

Mormonism and Capital Punishment: A Doctrinal Perspective, Past and Present by Marvin R. Gardner, originally published Spring 1979 ON JANUARY 17, 1977, Gary Mark Gilmore’s execution by a Utah firing squad ended an almost ten-year…

Dialogue in Real Time

From the very beginning, Dialogue was intended to be a way to get people talking about Mormonism in new ways. For many years, the Letters to the Editor were an important site of these conversations…

Dreams of Summer

by Lauri Gobel Leslie Even when we are asleep, our minds are active. Scientists surmise that our brains process and sort the events of the day at this time. Spiritual people believe God sometimes uses…