Pioneers in Dialogue

On July 24, Utah celebrates the state holiday of Pioneer Day, in commemoration and honor of the Mormon pioneers. With a hallowed and complicated history, pioneers are a mainstay in the history of Mormonism. Below…

Dialoguing About Murder Among the Mormons

by Adam McLain Netflix recently released a three-part documentary about the document forgery that occurred in Salt Lake City in the 1980s. Titled Murder Among the Mormons, the documentary shows what happened when documents like…

Dialogue Awardees Certain Women Art Show 2021

For more on Mother in Heaven, please see the newly released Spring 2022 Issue. By Linda Hoffman Kimball The Dialogue Foundation Board was thrilled to honor three artists for their work in the 2021 Certain…

Topic pages: Joseph Smith

2019: Steven Shields, “Joseph Smith and Sidney Ridgon: Co-founders of a Movement” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, Vol 52 No. 3 (2019): 1–18.  Shields argues that if you deny or dismiss Sidney Ridgon’s contributions to…

Topic pages: Polygamy

  2019: Blaire Ostler, “Queer Polygamy” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, Vol 52 No. 1 (2019): 33–43. Ostler addresses the problems with what she terms the “Standard Model of Polygamy.” She discusses how these problems…

Topic pages: Temples

2019: Margaret Blair Young, “Patience, Faith, and the Temple in 2019” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, Vol 52 No. 1(2019): 169–178. Young shares her testimony of temple work even though she found some wording in…