Joanna Brooks on "On Being" with Krista Tippett

A Mormon is once again in the national spotlight, this time it’s Joanna Brooks who works to demystify Mormons on “On Being” with host Krista Tippett.
From the producer: “Enjoy an inside perspective of the Mormon universe with journalist Joanna Brooks. She helps us understand the emergence of a viable Mormon presidential candidate as a “white-knuckle” moment — a moment of self-searching. From an unorthodox perspective, she sheds a candid, genuinely informative light on what some are calling this “Mormon moment” in American life: on Broadway, on TV, and in presidential politics…”

Jonathan Stapley on Women, Ritual, and Authority

Jonathan Stapley will delve into “Womwn, Ritual, and Authority” as the featured speaker at the Miller-Eccles Study Group this weekend.
DATES: October 21 (Villa Park) and October 22 (La Canada – Flintridge).
TIME: 7:30 p.m.
Stapley will discuss female participation in healing rituals and last rites, to highlight “important shifts in how rituals were transmitted and developed throughout Mormon history as well as the major external and internal forces that shaped current ritual performance.”

Welcome to Dialogue!

Welcome to Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought What is Dialogue? The Dialogue journal has been around for over 40 years (45!) providing an important space for the independent exploration of Mormonism from a broad…

Richard Bushman on “Mormonism and the Public Good”

Watch Richard Bushman discuss “Mormonism and the Public Good” at the 2011 David P. Gardner Lecture held September 27th at the University of Utah.

Here’s a tease: Recent events in Washington have demonstrated once again how much Americans differ on how to resolve the nation’s problem. The parties to the debate cannot even agree on the nature of the public good. The lecture will argue that these conflicts arise out of basic contradictions in our national values and therefore will perpetually recur.

Getting Everything Wrong (Even What He Gets Right)

By Russell Arben Fox at By Common Consent The October 2011 issue of Harper’s Magazine features as its cover article a lengthy, provocative, at times insightful, but mostly wholly tendentious anti-Mormon screed by Chris Lehmann,…

"Eugene England's Life and Legacy" podcast series

Celebrate “Eugene England’s Life and Legacy” with this series of 4 podcasts recently released by Mormon Stories. Dan Wotherspoon interviews Gene’s daughter Jody England Hansen, granddaughter Charlotte Hansen Terry, Dialogue co-founder Frances Lee Menlove, longtime…

Claudia Bushman on the Pink Dialogue

In the recently released 11th episode of “FAIR Conversations” host Blair Hodges interviews historian Claudia Bushman. Of special note to Dialogue readers, Claudia discusses her involvement with the “Pink Issue” and her feelings on feminism…