President Monson blogs at Washington Post

9/11 destruction allowed us to spiritually rebuild President Monson broke new virtual ground with this commemorative essay on 9/11,  officially becoming the first president of the LDS Church to blog. He writes: “There was, as…

Patrick Mason at Miller-Eccles

Patrick Mason, newly-appointed Hunter Chair of Mormon Studies at Claremont Graduate University, will address the Miller-Eccles study group on September 16th and 17th. THE TOPIC: In addition to outlining plans at Claremont for the coming…

Bushman on Friendship

Richard Bushman: My thanks to Grant Underwood for conceiving this panel and going to all the work to put it together under the auspices of the American Society of Church History. It was a generous…

New History of Mormonism from Random House

Associate Editor Matthew Bowman, recently appointed Assistant Professor of History at Hampden-Sydney College, is working on an introduction to Mormonism for a general audience, titled American Revelation: The Making of the Mormons to be published…

Elder Price Superstar

by Michael Hicks I’ll never forget the first time I heard my mother swear.   I was in my thirties and had finally decided to talk to her about her second husband, whom she’d married when…

Nixon Was Wrong: Religion and the Presidency, 1960, 2008, and 2012— An Interview with Shaun A. Casey

Earlier this year, Dialogue Board member Greg Prince interviewed Shaun Casey, a professor of Christian Ethics at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C. Casey’s recent book, The Making of a Catholic President: Kennedy vs. Nixon 1960 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2009) formed the background of this interview. Below is an excerpt from the conversation; you can read the full interview here.

Audio of AML Conference Sessions

The Association for Mormon Letters held its annual conference March 25-26, 2011. Recordings of some of the excellent sessions are available here.