Topic pages: Book of Mormon Studies

  Podcasts:  Dialogue Topics Pages Podcast: Book of Mormon, Part 1 Dialogue Topics Pages Podcast: Book of Mormon, Part 2 2020: Elizabeth Fenton; Brian M. Hauglid,; Michael Austin, “Dialogue Book Review Roundtable: Visions in a…

Who Is Emma Smith? Compiled by Melody Newey Johnson

For our Dialogue Gospel Study (14 March 2021) on Doctrine and Covenants 25, Melody Newey Johnson asked participants to write down a word, words, or phrases that came to mind when they thought of Emma…

Topic pages: Feminism

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Topic Pages: Race Issues

2019: Rebecca de Schweinitz, “There is no Equality”: William E Berrett, BYU, and healing the Wounds of Racism in the Latter- Day Saint Past and Present” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, Vol 52 No. 3 (2019):62–83.…

Topic Pages: Deification

2006: Kirk D. Hagen: “Eternal Progression in a Multiverse: An Explorative Mormon Cosmology,” Dialogue 38.1 (Summer 2005): 1– 45. This article is an examination of the Mormon doctrine of eternal progression within the context of…

Topic Pages: First Vision

2020: Steven C. Harper, “First Vision: Memory and Mormon Origins.” Dialogue Lectures Podcast #48.  Harper discusses how the principles of memory may have influenced Joseph Smith as he recorded his multiple First Vision accounts. Harper essentially…

D. Michael Quinn's Dialogue Legacy

D. Michael Quinn (1944–2021) was a stalwart scholar of Mormonism who found an academic home in the pages of Dialogue. We honor his legacy by collecting his articles on this page. His work in Dialogue…

Topic pages: LGBT issues

2021: Spring Issue, Dialogue 54.1, (Spring 2021). “Queer Mormon Histories and the Politics of a Usable Past” by Alexandria Griffin “The Theological Trajectory of “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” by M. David Huston…

Topic pages: Book of Abraham

  Podcast: Dialogue Topics Pages Podcast: Book of Abraham 2012: Andrew Cook, “Formulas and Facts:A Response to John Gee,” Dialogue 45.3 (Fall 2012): 1 – 10. In Winter 2010, Chris Smith and I published an…