Wonderful Personal Voice

Sheldon Greaves’s article “The Education of a Bible Scholar” (42, no. 2 [Summer 2009]: 55-77) was moving and impressive in many ways. It is a choice example of combining academic insights with personal experience, including…

The Weight of Priesthood

by Stephen Carter I WAS EIGHT YEARS OLD one March Sunday. The chapel curtains were bright with the springtime sun, as if angels were standing outside. The church itself was new, built only a year…

Dialogue Announces 2009 Contest Winners

We are pleased to announce the winners of the 2009 Dialogue writing contests. Dialogue Best of the Year Awards Dialogue Best of the Year Awards are for contributions judged as superior in their respective categories:…

The Province of the Extreme

by Stacy Burton The Province of the Extreme Jon Krakauer, Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith (New York: Doubleday, 2003), 372 pp.  Reviewed by Stacy Burton, Associate Professor, Department of English,…

Crawling out of the Primordial Soup

A Step toward the Emergence of an LDS Theology Compatible with Organic Evolution by Steven L. Peck Wesley J. Wildman, a liberal evangelical Christian, contributed this issue’s sermon as part of the ongoing “From the…

An Open Letter to the Dialogue Board

by Nathan Oman Originally published Winter 2005 (38:4) I think that Dialogue has some serious problems. My thoughts on this are based on many hours of conversation about Mormon intellectual life with LDS grad students…

Print index of Dialogue Volumes 1-42 now available

Scholars and students of Mormon thought have been without an updated print index of Dialogue for decades. Fortunately, they go without no longer. We are pleased to announce the print version of Dialogue: A Complete…

Rooted in Christian Hope: The Case for Pacifism

by Richard Sherlock As a pacifist for my entire adult life, I find the Dialogue call for papers too inviting to ignore. During the Vietnam War thirty-five years ago, I came to grips with what…

Joseph Smith and the Sources of Love

by Truman Madsen Originally published Spring 1966 (01:01) MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS, TODAY WE REACH INTO A REALM THAT is subtle and intricate, all intertwined with feeling. More than usual I pray that you will…

The Intellectual Tradition of the Latter-day Saints

by Leonard Arrington Originally published Spring 1969 (04:01) In one of the earliest books of imaginative literature about the American West (published in 1826), novelist-editor-missionary-biographer Timothy Flint reveals a common impression of the time that…