
The Economist on Mormons

November 1, 2011

The Economist dances into the current discussion on religions and politics by declaring that “Mormons are Christian.” Author E.G. states
“WITH regard to Mitt Romney’s presidential prospects, I agree with Jeffrey Goldberg that his Mormonism shouldn’t matter and that the question of whether Mormons are Christians probably isn’t all that important. The people who would vote against Mr Romney because of his religion aren’t likely to set aside all of their objections to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints just because a theologian decided it was kosher. It is, however, an interesting analytical question. I disagree with Mr Goldberg’s conclusion that Mormonism isn’t Christian.”
Click in to see why. Plus there is a shout-out to Eugene England’s landmark Dialogue article “The Mormon Cross” that  precludes this conclusion. “But Mormons have always professed their faith to be Christian, and there is a consensus, I think, that they believe themselves to be so. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, the profession of faith should be enough.”